Idaho History Dec 29, 2019

The Prospector and Thunder Mountain News February 4, 1905

courtesy Sandy McRae and Jim Collord

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The Prospector and Thunder Mountain News

Roosevelt, Idaho February 4, 1905 Volume 1 Number 8


The Great Standard Mine.

Most Important Discovery of Gold Ore Made in Idaho.

About a month ago the residents of the Thunder Mountain district were pleased to learn that a body of gold ore had been uncovered in the Standard mine. This news coming as it did, just at a time when the Sunnyside mine, owing to defects in tramway and mill, was compelled to close down for the winter, has gone far toward making our snowed-in and uninteresting existence bearable and has re-enfored [sic] and given us additional confidence that the faith we have all held regarding the ultimate value and permanence of the district has been well founded.

The Standard mine is an example of what a little money and plenty of good mining sense can accomplished in Thunder Mountain in a short space of time.

While the group of claims, of which it is composed, are some of the oldest locations on the mountain, having been located in 1901, the real development of the property began only three months ago. Within sixty days from the beginning of actual underground work, the breast of the Elk, or No. 3 tunnel, was in solid ore, which was encountered at a depth of 128 feet, after passing 100 feet of this distance through the solid tuffa hanging-wall. The tunnel is situated at the west base of Thunder Mountain and is a crosscut being driven about due east into the mountain. The deposit encountered strikes northeast toward the Sunnyside and southwest through the H. Y. Climax and stands almost vertical but has a slight underlie to the northwest toward the Dewey mine.

The position of the Standard group is about one mile southwest of the Sunnyside, one-half mile southeast of the Dewey and 1000 feet northeast of the H. Y. Climax: from this it is readily seen it holds an inside and enviable location, which any one familiar with the distribution and extent of the ore formation of the mountain can affirm; and it was expected from the first, that flattering results would follow the exploitation of the property.

It has been known ever since the camp was discovered that there was a vein of gold ore somewhere along the west base of Thunder Mountain above the Dewey mine. Several years ago Jack Roberts and his partner took out a ditch from one of the several small peat bogs, that cluster in the flat above the Dewey mine, and washed out a considerable quantity of placer gold from the old Equinox claim. This gold could come from no place except the Standard group as it was over the hill from the Sunnyside, and more than a quarter of a mile east of and 300 or 400 feet in elevation above the outcrop of the Dewey mine; while all of the flow and movement of detritus is to the westward down Mule creek.

The occasion for surprise is not that ore has been opened on the Standard, but that a property of such possibilities and position should remain so long in the condition of a prospect untaken by some one of Idaho’s galaxy of bustling mine hunters, ever in search of a good thing. But one of their number did not remain asleep. Supt. M. O. Snyder paid the property a visit during the past summer and his extended mining experience led him to know he bad overtaken a sure winner as soon as he saw the ground, so, without further ado, he set about the task of taking hold of and presenting the proposition to a coterie of Minneapolis financiers, who, when he had laid the matter before them, were not slow to see that a real bonafide mining proposition had been offered them. The Standard Mining & Milling Co. was organized and work begun as soon as buildings could be erected, and supplies and material laid down.

The Standard company is a close corporation, with plenty of the wherewithal to mine with, not one share of the stock has been sold, and not a share for sale. It is financially capable of developing its mine and equipping it with any sized mill required to handle the ore, without soliciting the dollars and dimes of the acquisitive counter-jumpers and pot-wrestlers of the effete East; although we would be pleased to see them get in on a good thing like the Standard.

Did you ask how wide the vein is, and what values are in the ore? Why, the vein is 56 feet wide between walls, all of which is payable ore, running from $5 to $280 per ton in gold and a little silver. The ore, in appearance, is identical with that of the Dipper, Sunnyside, Dewey and H. Y. and evidently belongs to the same deposit. It is a rather rusty, friable, decomposed soft, quartz-porphyritic material, which when seen on the dump, looks like a mixture of ashes and sawdust pounded up and run together, but it has the gold in it, and this is what we are all in search of, in need of, and the metal that has made Thunder Mountain famous.

Goldfields and Tonopah, Nevada, for the rich and extensive mines they have, have justly merited and won the good opinion and money of the mining public. They are good winter camps, but in summer, the scorching sun drives the mining man and prospector from the dusty, alkaline deserts of the sagebrush state to the cool bracing climate of mountainous Idaho, and then we will have our inning. Thunder Mountain district, with its mammoth deposits of auriferous ore, even though it is isolated and hard of access, is certain to win its share of notoriety and attention in season, and when another summer comes again and the mantle of winter meanders back to mother ocean, we have revelations of richness and magnitude in mines that cannot be surpassed anywhere, and the Standard is one of them.

– Samuel F. Hunt.
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The Pioneer Mines Richness.

Output at the Dewey for the Last Eight Months.

The mineral zone of Thunder Mountain seems to be widening in every direction, until at present, there is believed to be an ore body one and one-half miles wide by four miles long. It is believed to be solid, for wherever the ground has been tapped, at any considerable depth, it shows milling ore in paying quantities.

This zone, so far as is known at present, begins on Mule Creek about one-half mile above the mouth, taking in the claims of Bish, Joe Davis, Dewey, Rubber Neck, Dan Cotter, Standard, H. Y. Climax, Blackhorse, Pittsburg, Sunnyside, East Dewey, and how much farther it extends will be decided by further developments.

This is not all there is to the Thunder Mountain district. These are only … (page torn) contiguous … each other. There are other groups of claims with equally as good surface showings, but lack the development.
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The Dewey Mine.

The Dewey mine, unknown to history prior to August, 1901, at which time the present company took hold of it, is the pioneer of the Thunder Mountain district.

Col. Dewey has been called a boomer, but his work and the work of those who have come after him does not show it, it shows that he had judgment enough to know a good thing when he saw it.

The booming that has been done by the Dewey Co. has been by putting its money in the district and opening up the biggest and best mine in this county and not in blowing about the district in newspapers.

As soon as the company became interested in the district it commenced work opening up the mine, put in a ten stamp mill and engine, all of which had to be packed in on mules, over the roughest mountain country in the State, and commenced pounding out ten to fourteen thousand dollars per month and has kept at it ever since, never shutting down except on account of some unavoidable circumstance, having taken out in the last eight months $80,867.11. Supt. Haug expects to have to tie up five stamps soon on account of a bad mortar, but they will be dropping again as soon as-the mortar can be repaired.

The company has about forty men working at present. It has all its works and buildings lighted by electricity.

The company spares neither pains nor expense to make it pleasant for its employees. It has a large, warm sitting-room for the boys and a first-class dormitory for them to sleep in.

The boarding house is the peer of any hotel, supplied, as it is, with the best that the market affords and an abundance of it, while the cuisine tickles the palate of the most fastidious.

The man who has a job with this company makes a mistake when he throws it up, especially, if he has to work for a living.

While the ore being milled runs along from ten to fifteen dollars a ton, there is much being developed that is of a higher grade. Some of this is of the bonanza order. Heretofore, none of this has been taken out, but recently it has been necessary to take down some, and a considerable quantity has been mined to get it out of the way in the stope. Some of this ore is so rich that it is being sacked in the mine to be sent out bodily, without being reduced at all.
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Wedding Bells.

J. B. Randell and Miss Carrie Frampton.

The Baltimore American contains the following story of the marriage in that city last week of Postmaster Randell of Roosevelt:

“After journeying over 2000 miles, Judge Joseph B. Randell, United States commissioner and postmaster of Roosevelt, Idaho, was quietly married to Miss Carrie Frampton, of the eastern shore, at the home of Rev. J. R. Schultz, 18 North Stricker street. For the past two years Miss Frampton has resided at 1316 West Mulberry street. Immediately after the ceremony Judge and Mrs Randell left for New York where they will spend their honeymoon before returning West.

For a number of years Judge Randall has found it necessary to visit the eastern cities, and it was while on one of these visits that he first met Miss Frampton. About two years ago while in Washington on some federal business, Judge Randell was presented to Miss Frampton at a reception of which he was the honored guest.

Judge Randell, when he returned to Idaho, began a correspondence with Miss Frampton, which ended in the engagement some weeks ago and arrangements being made for the marriage to take place in this city.”

The NEWS joins their many friends in wishing them a long and happy journey through life.
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S. I. Choat and John Wallace have gone to the Salmon river country on a short pleasure and hunting trip.
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Sunnyside Starting Up.

Work of Repairing Tram and Mill to Commence at Once.

Herman Veelmen, foreman of the Sunnyside mill and tram, arrived in town Thursday from the outside.

He reports the new ore crusher and grips for the tramway on the road and everything else necessary to make the change and start up the mine and mill at once.

E. L. Abbott, superintendent of the great Sunnyside mine, after an absence from camp of three weeks, returned yesterday. While away Mr. Abbott spent several days in Boise and Nampa in the interest of his company.

This is good news for the camp. It has not got as black an eye as some of its enemies thought it had.
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Large Deal.

There is a deal on tap for the group of claims known as the Eureka group, consisting of ten claims and owned by Dan Cotter. Some of these claims lay between and adjacent to the Sunnyside and Dewey mines. It is one of the best locations in the camp and shows up well under the amount of development done.

The road comes to the ground and Mr. Cotter has suitable quarters for a small force of men which will be put to work as soon as necessary papers can be fixed.

Mr. Cotter will hold a large interest in the property and is to have charge of the work. There is no stock for sale. The formation is the same as in the Standard property. This is on the same ridge south about two claims from the Eureka group.
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A Great Fire Barely Averted.

One night this week when John Hamil, “Shorty,” as he is familiarly called, was in bed in one of the rooms on the ground floor of Queeney’s dormitory, on Coney avenue, was awakened by finding that his bed was a little warmer than he cared to have it. He found that the fire fiend had eaten a hole about two feet in diameter clear through his bed clothing. By great presence of mind and prompt action, he succeeded in getting the fire under control and putting it out without calling out the hose carts and engine.
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Bill Thorn was recently shot through the heart and killed near Baker City.
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To The Public.

Having disposed of my interest in THE THUNDER MOUNTAIN NEWS my interest and connection with it is ended.

Owing to financial and other misfortunes it was impossible for Eddy & Hunt to continue publication. It has been difficult to get sufficient financial backing behind the enterprise to make a success of the paper; though, under ordinary circumstances, it would have paid from the beginning.

The paper’s subscription list and advertising has grown rapidly from the first and its field is one in which great good can be done for the mining and other interests of Central Idaho, if given the support it justly deserves.

The growing importance of Thunder Mountain and Central Idaho as a goldfield fully justifies the publication of a newspaper, and I am gratified to inform the readers of the NEWS, that the parties that assume control of the paper at this time, are capable and experienced newspaper men and are financially able to carry the business to a successful issue; and I bespeak for them the same liberal patronage and support that has been extended us from the beginning.

– Samuel F. Hunt
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Thunder Mountain enters the year 1905 under more promising conditions than ever before. There has been more work done, more money expended and more ore uncovered within the last year than in all the years before.
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The Grangeville Standard has sent out a perfect gem in its “Industrial Edition.” Noticing as it does the different industries of Idaho County from their birth up to the present time. This is a well illustrated edition and is a fine specimen of the printers art. It is a history of Idaho county in a nut-shell and it certainly required an immense amount of work to get it up. For the send–off it gives to Thunder Mountain we feel truly thankful.
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Europe this been experiencing an unusually severe winter. It set in early and has continued very cold. The dispatches state there has been heavier frost in Spain than was ever known before, men being frozen to death, while, in Rome, the public fountains have been frozen. People there must begin to feel that another glacial age is approaching. But conditions there are not much worse than they have been on our Atlantic seaboard, where the weather has been very rough, though the temperature has not been so low. Snowstorms have been frequent and the entire country east of the Alleghanies [sic] has been covered for a long time, the snow line reaching far south of Washington. Why winter should bestow his attentions so exclusively upon those regions is a question for the meteorologists to answer – it is beyond the ordinary observer.
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There will be not less than fifty families of prominent mining men and other professionals visit camp next year for their summer outing. They will enjoy the scent of the pines and the shade, and live and drink and fish in the purling limpid waters of Thunder Mountain for two months.
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While cold weather has been raging in all other parts of the country the people of Thunder Mountain have been enjoying ideal winter weather. The thermometer has never registered more than 22 degrees below and then only one night. There is not more than six inches of snow in the streets of Roosevelt. Freight teams are on the road all the time bringing in mining, machinery and all other kinds of supplies for the people, both liquid and solid. All who are suffering in other parts of the country from the effects of cold, stormy weather are invited to come to Roosevelt to spend the winter.
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A Good Strike.

The Gold Bullion Mining & Milling Co., situated at the mouth of the Southwest Fork of Monumental creek, of which Steven Choate is superintendent, has struck a mountain of ore. There are six men working. The tunnel is in 140 feet, cross-cutting one lead 14 feet wide and other small stringers all heavily mineralized. The tunnel will be 480 feet long when it reaches the main lead, which will be encountered at a vertical depth of 375 feet. This lead is 40 feet wide on top and assays $6.00.

The company has nine claims in the group. Mr. Choate is in high spirits over the property and thinks that his company has a bonanza
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Sealed bids will be received on or before February 10th for driving one hundred and fifty feet (150 feet) on the Blue Point Tunnel. Apply to

JAS. R. Noss,
20th Century Co.
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The “Ads” in these colums represent the Stage Lines, Wayhouses, etc., with rodometer distances from Boise and Emmett to Roosevelt:
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Bridge Building.

The following named boys, citizens of Roosevelt, went down to the mouth of Monumental to build a bridge across Big Creek. The one put in three years ago went out last spring in time of high water:

D. S. Mclnerny, Nash Wayland, S. P. Burr, Jack Conley, J. W. LeRoy, Thos. Lynch, Jack Cassell, T. R. Meredith, O. Goodrich, J. S. Welch and C. W. Stallings.

They think that they can put in one in about a week that will stand the pressure of high water. This bridge will open up travel on the Big Creek, Crooked Creek and Ramie Ridge trails at least two months earlier than last year, owing to the fact that it is almost impossible to get over Snowslide Mountain with horses before the middle of July. The boys are sure of having plenty to eat as they employed Van Welch to furnish meat for the gang. Van is said to be a great hunter and there is plenty of game and fish in the neighborhood.
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The Man Who Advertises.

If you want anything you go to see a man who advertises because you know he wants to sell and will make you a selling price. The same may be said of the merchant. All merchants will sell if they get their prices; but the man who advertises makes prices. So if you want to buy goods, see those men who advertise. They are the men who want to sell.
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An Unwelcome Guest.

Yellow Stone Brown, a prospector and trapper, who is camped on snowslide, had a mountain lion enter his camp the other day and eat up all the meat he had on hand. But Yellow Stone is going to get even. Ho has located some placer ground that will enable him to buy better meat and wear better clothes than he can afford at present.
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S. F. Hunt says that the next newspaper he starts will be in the New Jerusalem. Mr. Hunt finds that there is very little pleasure in “swamping” for a newspaper.

A letter received from E. M. Heigho, vice-president and general manager of the P. & I. Northern Railway Co.’s accounting department, of Weiser, Idaho, of the 11th ult., states that they hope to be in the Thunder Mountain district for business next summer. This looks favorable for us and if a railroad starts to build into this district Roosevelt will be a city of 10,000 inhabitants by this time next year instead of a tipical [sic] mining village.

Hank McGiveny, the push on the bridge being put in on the Middle Fork of Salmon river, at the mouth of Loon creek, has gone down to superintend the building. Mr. McGiveny is an experienced bridge builder and when he gets through with it there will be a bridge across the river that will stand – the two first ones having gone out. This is good news for the camp as we get some of our vegetables from that neighborhood. Mr. McGiveny is one of Belleco’s prosperous business men.

* ult. Latin abbreviation for ultimo mense, (last month)
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The Sour Dough Can

The people of Roosevelt were aroused to the lynching point a few days ago over the death of several valuable dogs, thinking that the dog-poisoner had come to town and them were threats long, deep and fierce in case the guilty party could be found. Some of the boys thought that the best thing to do would be to make him stand on nothing and pull a rope by the neck, but before they done anything rash they discovered that their wrath had been misdirected when the news came in that a couple of the boys at the 20th Century mine, two miles above town, had gone out and washed their feet in Monumental creek.
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The following letter was handed us by a mine superintendent and requested us to publish it, thinking that some of the NEWS readers might have time to answer it. This man is not a Missourian and ought to make a good citizen:

Thayer, Neosho Co., Kans.
To the Superintendent of the Mines of Thunder Mountain Idaho.
Dear Sir:
I take the liberty of addressing you thus: I am an old miner, having followed it most of my time and wishing to locate out in Idaho I write you this to ask you if you would please write we particulars concerning the mines and how the miners are paid, about how much they average per day. Infact [sic] any information you could give would be highly appreciated by me and are they gold, silver or copper mines? I have a large family of girls and am anxious to move into Idaho. Would you please tell me how close the mines are to the land that is coming in, the Snake valley? I have one grown son.
Please write by return mail. I would thank you very much.
Yours truly,
Mr. Joseph Hampson,
Neosho County,
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S. F. Hunt, the geologist, has just completed an examination of the Blue Cap Mine, situated on Boulder creek, about four miles south of town. it is understood a strong Eastern syndicate has the property under consideration with a view of purchasing it.
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Got No Mitten That Time

There lived in one of the Old Colony towns, some years ago, a young man, son of a well-to-do farmer, who, says the Boston Courier, was a very clever, steady going fellow, but not possessed of sufficient brilliancy of mind to render him a favorite with the young ladies of his acquaintance, in consequence of which fact his repeated attempts to engage a partner for life had simply (as we would say at the present day) “developed negatives.”

His continued ill success had worried him and threatened to utterly discourage future projects in that direction. But there was one thrifty girl in the neighborhood, herself the daughter of a farmer, upon whom he had not tried his persuasive powers, and he determined to make a further attempt before “throwing up the sponge ”

She was fair to look upon, a good housekeeper, well posted as to the duties devolving upon a farmer’s wife, and would make an excellent helpmeet, and they had grown up as neighbors and attended school and church together. But she was not his first choice, else he had made earlier call. He pondered upon his disappointments, thought of this girl, and finally concluded to make the venture.

So the next Sabbath evening, arrayed in his “go-to-meetin'” best, he mended his way to her father’s house, and fortune so far favored him as to have her at home and disengaged.

He was welcomed in a neighborly manner, and as the old folks were going to “evening meeting,” … speedily left with her.

Commonplace conversation was maintained for a brief period, and then came a lull which was broken by the young man’s coming down to business with “Supposing I should ask you to marry me, Mary, what would you say?”

“Why,” said she, “I should say no !”

“Then, darn you, wait till you’re asked!” was his response; and, reaching for his hat, he departed in a decidedly informal manner.
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The South African Labor Question.

The Chinese now being imported in large numbers into South Africa seem to be giving satisfaction. The coolie is rapidly developing into a good miner and, indeed, learns more quickly than the Kaffirs, who have been thus far the manual workers of the mines. These Chinese do not take the place of the white men; on the other hand, an increase in colored miners means an increased number of white men, who in South Africa occupy only positions of authority. It seems certain that before the end of this present year the number of men working in the mines will reach 100,000, or the same as before the war. By the middle of next year at least 150,000 men will be working, and for the first time in the history of the Transvaal ample workers will be available for the mines.
– Mining Reporter.
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James McAndrews is anxiously looking for his freight which is expected in next week.
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Lucky Judge.

“Diamondfield Jack” Davis gives $10,000 worth of Goldfield stock to Salt Lake Judge who once secured his conviction for murder and drew up his death warrant.

“Diamondfield Jack” Davis, the central figure in one of the most remarkable criminal cases on record, has given the man who drew his death warrant at Albion, Idaho, six years ago, mining stock valued at $10,000, says the Salt Lake Herald. Judge O. W. Powers, of Salt Lake, is the recipient of the gift. In 1898, Judge Powers, with W. A. Borah of Idaho, assisted the state in prosecuting Diamondfield Jack for murder, secured a conviction and by order of Judge Stoskslager, drew Davis’s death warrant.

Afterwards, having become convinced of Davis’s innocence, Judge Powers appeared before the Idaho board of pardons to urge that Davis be released. This was done and about two years ago Davis came to Salt Lake penniless. Judge Powers loaned him money enough to get to Tonopah, Nev., and Davis departed with the promise that he would repay the money. As one of the original locators of the famous claims at Goldfield and Diamondfield, he secured large holdings in the camps, changed his way of living and is said to be a leader of the law and ordor [sic] element in the mining section where he resides.

Recently Judge Powers received a letter from the secretary of the Diamondfield Gold Mining Company, enclosing 2,500 shares of stock with the statement that it was the personal gift of Davis.

The shooting for which Davis was thrice sentenced to death was a double killing, committed in Cassia county, Idaho, in 1896. The legal proceedings ran through six years. The case at one time reached the supreme court of the United States and almost attained the proportions of a political issue in Idaho.
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Dredging at Dawson.

Dredging operations on Bonanza creek and the operation of a steam shovel plant at the mouth of Bear creek were suspended on October 23rd. The dredging season has been a long, and it is reported, a satisfactory one, work having been first commenced on May 5th. At the Bear Creek a great quantity of gravel has been moved by the steam shovel.

A new order in council has been passed pertaining to the reservation of certain rights by the crown upon mineral lands to which crown grants have been issued, amending section fifty-three of the quartz mining regulations to the following effect: That patents conveying the surface, as well as the under rights, shall reserve to the crown forever such right or rights of way and of entry as may be required under any regulations in that behalf now or hereafter in force in connection with the construction, maintenance and use of works for the conveyance of water for use in mining operations.

On Sulphur creek active preparations are being made for busy winter working on claims from 56 above to 98 below discovery. The work will be chiefly carried on by individual miners working on lays.

– Mining Reporter.
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Mining & Local News

P. K. McCann and J. M. Bledsoe left last Monday for Ketchakan, Alaska.

We have several changes of ads. this week. Look them over and you will profit by doing so.

It is hoped that Roosevelt will have a telephone connection with the outside world within the next ninety days, at least, as we are surely in need of it.

Lee Lisenby, one of our prominent business men, is in Boise at the present time, and while there he will purchase a first-class stock of goods for his summer trade.

The proprietor of the Amusement Hall has put in a first-class bathing outfit in the upper story of the hall and connected it by pipes and hose to the pump and stove on the ground floor. This is a drawing card for the establishment and an accommodation to those wishing a bath.

S. P. Burr, U. S. deputy mineral surveyor, of Roosevelt, who has been working on a map of Thunder Mountain for sometime will have it completed the first of the week. This is a fine specimen of the draftsman art. This is the only correct map we have seen of the district and should sell readily.

When the twenty teams (nothing less than four-horse teams) reaches here next week it will be a red letter day for Roosevelt and will go down as a historical point and show the people, far and near, that freight can come to Thunder Mountain any time of thc year. They are loaded with all kinds of freight.

The bill introduced in the state senate to close up all places of amusement on Sundays menaces the individual rights of citizens, and should never be given a place among the statutes of Idaho. It is not likely that it will become law. Sunday is the only day which most of the toilers have for rest, recreation and amusement.
– Wardner News.

Floyd H. Barnett, owner of the Thunder Mountain Assay Office, has a group of seven claims on Divide creek, one and one half miles above town, that has all the marks of a good mine. He has a force of men working on the property and is satisfied that he has something good. Mr. Barnett is a stayer and if there is anything there he will find it.

Some of the merchants of Roosevelt are having quite a lot of goods tobogganed down from The Robb Mercantile Co.’s establishment at the Sunnyside. Mr. Thompson says their stock is going fast. This gentleman knows the value of printers ink. Next week we will try and show our readers where this firm is doing business. See their ad. on last page.

With this issue we start with fifty new paid up subscribers from the outside world to say nothing of our new subscriptions at home. This added to our former list will make us a subhcription list that we are proud of. Our outside subscribers knowing themselves indebted to us will please remit at the earlist convenience by money order, by so doing you are sure of receiving the paper.

T. J. Little has accepted a position with the 20th Century, Co. and commenced work Monday.

L. A. Wayland Son’s ad. appears in this issue for the first time. Their stock of goods is new and complete. For further particulars see ad.

Jim Hash and Jack McGiveny, from the Middle Fork of Salmon river, are in town this week. They report about two or three inches of snow in the valley.

Hinkey is a disappointed manufacturer. He has some fine snow-shoes on hand, but it is impossible to sell them because the weather persists in remaining fine regardless of his desire to sell snow-shoes.

Hammell, Skinner & Swayne are doing the annual assessment work on their claims at the head of Cottonwood creek. There are five claims in the group and they are so located that the work can all he done on one claim. By so doing, this gives them a chance of showing up their property and possibly striking something good.

A visit to Smith’s Hotel will convince a person, who is familiar with this kind of a life, that he is keeping a first-class place. We were shown through this establishment and found it neat and tidy. They have a large dining-room which is well furnished and their sleeping department nice and warm. One feature of the hotel is their large sitting room which is well supplied with literature where a person can spend a few leisure moments in comfort. Mr. and Mrs. Smith know how to treat a guest and persons visiting Roosevelt would do well to give them a call.
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Since the new mail contractor has succeeded in getting his men straightened out the mail service is giving good satisfaction.
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Forfeiture Notices

Nampa, Idaho, January 3rd, 1905.
To Walter A Berna:
You are hereby notified that I have expended
during the year 1901, the sum of three hundred
($300.00) dollars in labor and improvements up-
on the Wild Boy No. 1, Wild Boy No 2, and
Wild Boy No. 3 quartz lode mining claims, situ-
ate in Thunder Mountain Mining District, Idaho
County, State of Idaho. of which the location
certificate is found of record Wild Boy No. 1,
Book 8, page 137; Wild Boy No. 2, Book 8, page
139; Wild Boy No. 3, Book 5, page 141, of the
Quartz Records of Idaho County in the office of
the Deputy Recorder of said district, in order
to hold said claims under the provisions of Sec-
tion 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United
States, and the amendment thereto approved
January 22nd, 1880, concerning annual labor up-
on mining claims; said amount being necessary
and requited in order to hold said quartz lode
mining claims for the period ending on the 31st
day of December, A. D. 1904, And if within
ninety days from the personal service of this no-
tice, or within ninety days after the publication
thereof, you fail or refuse to contribute your pro-
portion of such expenditure as a co-owner your
interest in said claims will become the property
of the subscriber, your co-owner, who has made
the required expenditure by the terms of said
Wm. A. PLEASANTS, Co-Owner.
Feb. 4-May 6,
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Morrison, Idaho Co., Idaho. Jan. 5th, 1905
To A. N. Easly, Wm. Berry, Hans Anderson,
H. H. Hegena, Al. Woods, W. M. Easly, and
Roy McKenzie:
You are hereby notified that I have expended
during the year 1904 one hundred dollars in
labor and improvements upon the Blue Bird
Placer Mining Claim situated on Johnson Creek
about five miles above the junction of the East
Fork with Johnson Creek, and commences about
300 feet above the mouth of Riordan Creek and
extends one mile down Johnson Creek in Yellow
Pine Mining District, Idaho County, State of
Idaho, the locating certificate of which is found
of record in Book 34 of Mining claims at page
263 in the office of the Recorder of said county, in
order io hold said claim under the provisions of
section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United
States and the amendment thereto approved
January 22, 1880, concerning annual labor upon
Mining Claims. being the amount required to
hold said placer claim for the period ending on
the 31st day of December, A. D., 1904. And if
within ninety from the personal service of
this notice, or within ninety days after the pub-
lication thereof, you fail or refuse to contribute
your proportion of such expenditure as a co-
owner, your interest in the claim will become
the property of the subscriber, your co-owner
who has made the required expenditure, by the
terms of said section.
Feb. 1-May 6,
— — — —

Morrison, Idaho Co., Idaho. Jan. 5th, 1905
To A. N. Easly. Wm. Berry, Hans Anderson,
Al. Woods, W. M. Easly, Francis Castle and
N. A Easly:
You are hereby notified that I have expended
during the year 1904 one hundred dollars in
labor and improvements upon the Red Bell
Placer Mining Claim situate on Johnson Creek,
commencing about 300 feet south of the mouth
of Riordan Creek and extending one mile south
in Yellow Pine Mining District, Idaho County,
State of Idaho, the locating certificate of which
is found of record in Book 34 of mining claims at
page 262, in the office of the Recorder of said Coun-
ty, in order to hold said claim under the provis-
ions of section 2324 of the Revised Statute of the
United States, and the amendment thereto ap-
proved January 22, 1880, concerning annual labor
upon mining claims, being the amount re-
quired to hold said Placer Claim for the period
ending on the 31st day of December, A. D., 1904.
And if within ninety days from the personal
service of this notice, or within ninety days
after the publication thereof. You fail or refuse
to contribute your proportion of such expendi-
ture as a co-owner, your interest in the claim
will become the property of the subscriber,
your co-owner, who has made the required ex-
penditure, by the terms of said section.
Feb. 4-May 6.
— — — —

— — — — — — — — — —

Links to original page photos:

Link: Page 1 top
Link: Page 1 bottom

Link: Page 2 top
Link: Page 2 bottom

Link: Page 3 top
Link: Page 3 bottom

Link: Page 4 top
Link: Page 4 bottom

Link: Page 5 top
Link: Page 5 bottom

Link: Page 6 top
Link: Page 6 bottom

Further Reading

Link to Thunder Mountain and Roosevelt index page
Link: Public folder with images of the old newspapers
Link: November 5, 1904
Link: November 12, 1904
Link: February 4, 1905
Link: March 18, 1905
Link: March 25, 1905
Link: April 1, 1905
Link: April 8, 1905
Link: April 15, 1905
Link: April 22, 1905
Link: April 29, 1905
Link: May 6, 1905
Link: May 13, 1905
Link: May 20, 1905
Link: June 3, 1905
Link: June 24, 1905
Link: July 1, 1905
Link: July 15, 1905
Link: August 19, 1905

page updated September 21, 2022